Stay Connected

Posted By on May 10, 2024

Stay Connected

“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.” John 15:4, NKJV.

The word connected has become very important in these days of social media. We want to be connected to the internet, to facebook, to twitter, and our cell phone almost non-stop. We panic when we lose our connection.

It can also be frustrating when you are disconnected during a phone call. In the world of social media and the internet, connection is vital.

Let me suggest that it can be destructive to your Christian life when you become disconnected from Jesus Christ. When we stop praying and stop reading the Bible or stop attending church, we can become disconnected from Christ rather quickly.

Other things will quickly rush into our life to replace that fellowship that we can have with him as long as we remain connected to Him through those spiritual avenues.

When you lose connection to the internet, you might lose vitally important information to you job or studies. As you lose connection with Jesus Christ, you can vitally important resources for you spiritual well-being.

Jesus was saying in our verse for the day, that when we fail to abide in Him, we cannot bear fruit. We are unable to bear fruit on our own. We must be connected to Him if we want to bear spiritual fruit in our lives.

With Blessings,

Riley Pippen