Posts made in November, 2019

Essential Of Giving Thanks #3

Posted By on November 28, 2019

Giving Thanks Today “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18, NKJV. Today is Thanksgiving. Our family would like to wish to your family the best of all Thanksgivings. Our verse today encourages us to give thanks to God regardless of what you are going through personally. No doubt, there are some difficult things going on in your life, as there is in mine. In spite of the...

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A Day To Honor Our Veterans And Our God

Posted By on November 11, 2019

A Day To Honor Our Veterans And Our God “Give unto the LORD the glory due to His name; Worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.” Psalm 29:2, NKJV If people will dishonor our Flag, Veterans, and the National Anthem, you can only imagine how they dishonor the Name of God. The name of God is grossly taken in vain every day in our society. It has almost become fashionable to talk in that manner. You will hear it in most movies, and in...

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