How To Avoid Discouragement

Posted By on June 21, 2024

Look Out For Spiritual Potholes

“For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls.” Hebrews 12:3, NKJV.

Because of our humanity, we are going to become discouraged and weary from time to time. It would be almost impossible to avoid such experiences in this life.

If that is a fact, is there something we could do that would help us during those times? The bible has given us several things that we can do to help us through those times.

There are some things that might help you take your mind off your discouragement. Visit a hospital, a nursing home, or volunteer to feed at one of the many homeless shelters.

It is a fact that when we look outside our own situation, we begin to see others that are struggling much worse than we are.

In our verse for the day, let me give us yet another thing we can do to help us during those difficult times.

We are told in this verse to think about all that Jesus Christ endured for us from horrible sinners. The scripture tells us to think about that in a way that keeps us from getting discouraged during our own trials.

We cannot even begin to imagine what He went through from the night of His betrayal to the cross. He was treated shameful and it was all for us.

We tend to focus on His death more on the Sunday before Easter than we do the rest of the year. We should never forget what He went through for us on the cross.

It is a way to honor Him but is also a way to encourage ourselves when we get discouraged.

Riley Pippen