Finish The Race

Posted By on June 22, 2024

Finish The Race!

“I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14, NKJV

A few days ago, on national television, there was a report of a woman who was in the military and she was near the finish line of a grueling endurance exercise her unit was doing as part of their training.

As she neared the finish line, she collapsed from the fatigue and the weight of the backpack she was carrying on her back. Others came to her side and encouraged her to get up and finish the few yards to the finish line. She got up but fell again after a few steps.

Once again, she rose to her feet and struggled with all she had to make it to the finish line. She made it to the finish line and in the allotted time she had to finish this part of her training. It was a wonderful victory for her as she crossed the finish line.

She was determined to finish and she did. Our scripture for today reminds all of us to “press on” toward our goals in life.

We too are in an endurance race in our spiritual walk with the Lord. We too may be exhausted and fatigued from the weight of our problems but we are encouraged to finish the race that has been set before us.

Be encouraged today in knowing that you have been called by God to do something special for God that no one else could do but you. Even Paul, the Apostle, had to “press on”. It wasn’t easy for him and it won’t be easy for us but it will be worth it when we reach our goal.

Riley Pippen