The Power Of If

Posted By on July 5, 2024

The Power Of If

“…If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31, NKJV

We face many struggles in this life. Some of the struggles that we face might be health related; they might be work related; they might be finance related; they might be relationship related and they could even be human related.

Regardless of where the struggle comes from, the struggle can create emotions of fear, doubt, helplessness, depression, discouragement and many other emotions too numerous to name.

Our scripture for today reminds us of the greatness and of the power of our God. This verse can calm all of our emotions as we are reminded that God is mightier than anyone or anything that might come against us.

Indeed; If God is for us, who could come against us and overcome us? The answer is no one or nothing.

Be encouraged today in knowing that when God is for you, nothing or no one can stand against you and defeat you.

Riley Pippen