Make Someone’s Heart Glad Today

Posted By on July 9, 2024

Be An Encourager Today

“Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad.” Proverbs 12:25, NKJV

Today you may very well encounter someone that is really discouraged about something in their life. Your words can be of great comfort and encouragement to them or your words can be extremely discouraging to them. Your choice of words may make all the difference to them with the situation they are in.

Our scripture for the day reminds us that anxiety or worry in the heart of someone can cause depression but a good word from someone else can make the heart glad.

Consider your words and how important they are and how constructive they can be in someone’s life. Choose your words carefully with the intent of only bringing encouragement with them.

Be encouraged today in knowing that your words can bring life and hope to someone who might be on the brink of giving up. The spiritual gift of exhortation or encouragement is given by God to some of His people that they might be a source of encouragement to those who might be discouraged.

Today, allow yourself to be a bright spot in someone’s dark situation.

Riley Pippen