No Free Passes In Life

Posted By on July 8, 2024

No Free Passes In Life

“We are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair………” 2 Corinthians 4:8, NKJV

Well, as it turns out, life can be difficult. In fact, life can be hard. There are no free passes given out in this life. If you live, you will face difficulties. I face them, you face them and even Jesus faced difficulties. Jesus faced difficulties you and I will probably never face. The Bible says, “It rains on the just and the unjust.

Sometimes pressure comes from all sides. We find it at work, we find it at home, and we even find it in church sometimes. There are days that it seems there is no relief in sight. Paul called it, being hard pressed on every side. I call it;”Living In The Pressure Cooker”. You know the analogy here. A pressure cooker is used to raise the intensity of the heat in order to cook the food faster.

I’m so glad to know that there is hope. And it is a fact that our hope is not found in this ole’ world. Our hope comes from above. We are not crushed and we are not in despair because our hope comes from the creator of the universe. If we only had hope in this world and the things of this world, we would be hopeless.

Be encouraged today through our scripture for the day. Look up today! Refuse to be down today! Don’t let this ole’ world get you down. Look up for you hope comes from above, not from possessions, popularity or even people here on this earth.

Riley Pippen