It Is Only By Grace

Posted By on July 3, 2024

By Grace Alone

“……We have access by faith into this grace in which we stand……..” Romans 5:2, NKJV

Grace has been described as “an unmerited favor”. That would mean that we didn’t get punished for something we had done that we deserved to be punished for. We can probably all relate to this statement concerning grace.

When we apply the word grace to God and His forgiveness, we begin to get a more clear indication of what grace really means. We have sinned and the Bible tells us that the wages of sin is death but yet God forgives us completely and forever of all our sins. That is grace  –  an unmerited favor.

Our scripture for today reminds us that we have access to this grace by our faith in Christ Jesus for our forgiveness and our salvation. It also tells us that we have the great joy and privilege of “standing in this grace” each and every day of our lives.

Two important points we must always remember about this wonderful grace of God. One, we should never abuse His grace; that would mean to take it for granted or take advantage of His grace. Two, we should always be willing to extend His grace to others; that would mean that we would forgive others as He has forgiven us.

Be encouraged today in knowing that you stand in the grace of God. You are loved, you are forgiven, you are cared for, you are prayed for and you always have a friend in Jesus Christ who does all this and so much more for you every day.

We could live without a lot of our new digital devices but we cannot live without the grace of God.

Riley Pippen