We May Never Know The Why

Posted By on July 2, 2024

We May Never Know The Why

“But where can wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? Man does not know its value, nor is it found in the land of the living.” Job 28:12-13

What believers need in order to understand their trials is simply not available in this life. During Job’s ordeal he soon realized his own inability to understand his difficulties. Even his friends could not explain his calamity. That led him to the profound conclusion that the Lord’s wisdom is the only source for comprehending life and all its difficulties.

Our scripture for today reminds us of our inabilities to understand the difficulties and tragedies that mankind encounters.

Who can understand the whys of cancer or infant death or suicide or a multitude of other calamities that humans encounter?

God’s grace for these events can only be found at the cross of Jesus Christ. His blood covers the sins of every believer in every circumstance including suicide.

God’s wisdom concerning the details of such tragedies can only be found within the knowledge of an all-knowing God. Our scripture for today reminds us that some of these questions cannot and will not be answered for us on this side of heaven.

Be encouraged today in knowing that, as a believer, you can walk through the unknowns of this life with a sense of peace and victory through Jesus Christ.

Riley Pippen