Mind Games

Posted By on June 17, 2024

Mind Games

“……Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8, NLT

We have become a society of electronic games. There are games you can play on your desktop computer, on your handheld tablet, and on your smartphone. If the games are on your tablet or smartphone, the games can go anywhere you go.

Some of the games are designed to challenge the skill of the players; others are even designed to improve your memory. These are games that might entertain you, challenge you, and some might even frustrate you.

There is another that plays games also. However, he does not play electronic games; he plays games with our minds. I am speaking of satan, our great enemy.

Our scripture for today warns us to “fix our thoughts” on honorable and excellent things. If the devil can gain access to our mind for one brief moment, he can and will carry our minds, our thoughts, off to things that will only cause us to drift away from God.

Guard your mind and your thoughts throughout your day. Satan is just waiting to bring negative thoughts and filth from the world into your mind.

Be encouraged today in knowing that your mind is capable of the most pure and beautiful thoughts that can bring you peace and joy throughout your day.

Train your mind to focus on the good and positive things and you will find that your day will go much better.

Riley Pippen