Stand Strong

Posted By on July 1, 2024

Stand Strong

“Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.” 1 Corinthians 16:13, NKJV

In light of the recent developments in our nation, it has long been time for all Christians to make a stand for their faith.

Supreme Court decisions along with the decline of the moral fabric of our nation is alarming but not surprising. Terroristic attacks within our borders should awaken our national leaders to change the direction our nation is headed.

Do not be fooled; God is watching all of this.

The attacks from within and from without are aimed at our way of life and at the history of our nation. There are those within our own nation that would like to change our way of life and they would like to change the history of America.

Our scripture for today reminds us of the importance of Christians to stand fast in their faith and be strong and courageous in these days.

Our faith as Christians is under persecution and in all likelihood the persecution may grow in intensity. The Bible warned us about troubled times in the last days.

If you are a Christian, then you have certain values and beliefs that you have developed as a Christian. Some of those values and beliefs that you have are probably at stake in the recent developments and the current direction of our nation.

A reminder from our verse; “Stand Fast In The Faith”.

Riley Pippen