What The World Needs Now

Posted By on July 4, 2024

God Bless America

“Let all the earth fear the LORD; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.” Psalm 33:8-9, NKJV.

The song “What The World Needs Now” was first recorded and made popular by Jackie DeShannon, it was released on April 15, 1965. The song said that what the world needed then was “love”.

Let me suggest that what the world needs now is a healthy dose of respect for almighty God.  

In this Psalm, David warns all the people of the earth to fear (respect) the Lord. We should stand in awe of His power as creator of this universe and also of His power to bring judgment upon this world as He did to Sodom and Gomorrah.

Instead, we are afraid to offend anyone but God. There is little respect for His power that He demonstrated as he created the universe or His power as He holds that same universe in His hand today.

If what we are currently going through, as a nation, has taught us anything, it should be to respect God more than we have in recent history.

David is urging all of us to respect God more, fear God more, and recognize Him more as the one and only creator of our universe and as the one and only one that now holds that universe in the palm of His mighty hand.

Our God is an awesome God. Our God is good and He is good all the time. I fear we are taking God’s grace for granted and the possibility that God’s grace will end is real, and the people of the world need to realize that before it is too late.

Praise Him today and every day. Respect Him today and every day. Honor Him today and every day. Trust Him today and every day. He loves you. He gave His only son to die for you on Calvary’s cross. Let Him be the LORD of your life today!

With Blessings,

Riley Pippen