God Has A Purpose For You

Posted By on August 2, 2024

God Has A Purpose For You

“For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13, NKJV

The carpenter has the blueprints in hand. He has acquired all of the materials necessary, including all of the lumber. He looks at his tools and says, “For this particular job, I need a hammer.” And he pulls out a hammer and begins to use it.

In a similar fashion, God had a job in mind that needed to be done, in your particular area of the world. He created you to be His tool, His instrument, His vessel in getting that job done.

He made you from your birth to be fully equipped, fashioned, and prepared for doing the job He had planned.

God has a purpose for your life. You were just not created on some whim but rather with a definite plan in the mind of the master creator.

Be encouraged today in knowing that your life is not a mistake or a waste. God has a plan for you, even now. Pray and study His Word and then pray some more until God has revealed His heavenly plan for you.

Riley Pippen