Unconditional Love
“In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us…” 1 John 4:10, NKJV
Stop to think about it for a moment. A God who can be disappointed is a God who loves conditionally; a God who loves us when we perform well, and then withdraws His love if we perform badly.
The truth of God’s love is that His love is unconditional. He loves us at all times with an infinite, overwhelming, merciful, gracious, passionate love!
It is not in the nature of God to not love you nor stop loving you. He loves you no matter what.
Now think about this for a moment. We should protect that love by never taking His love for granted nor should we ever abuse the love that God has for us by doing something that would disrespect the love that God has given to us.
Be encouraged today in knowing that you are loved that deeply and that unconditionally. That makes you a very special and important person to God.
He doesn’t love you because you are a good person. He doesn’t stop loving you because you did something bad.
He loves you because He is God.
Riley Pippen