Be Careful With Your Words
“You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men….” 2 Corinthians 3:2, NKJV
When you read the Bible, then people will in turn read you. You are but a letter written by what you have read in God’s Word.
That is what Paul meant when he said we were to be living epistles of Christ, known and read of all men. A well delivered sermon may be great but the greatest sermon ever delivered is the sermon written on a person’s heart by the pages from the Bible and in turn lived out in front of many.
What’s written about your life in your book that will be read by many? What will be found written within the pages of your life’s book? Will others find hope, peace and encouragement as they read of your life?
Will the pages of your life reflect what you have read in God’s Book? Much can be written in the book of your life and you are the general editor while God’s Bible is the Supreme Author.
Be careful what will be written in the book of your life. Many are already reading from it as they encounter you each day and many more will read what you allow to be added to the pages of your life’s book in the future.
Be encouraged today in knowing that though you may never stand on the corner of some street proclaiming God’s Word; yet each day your life is being read by many.
When they have read the pages of your life, may they walk away refreshed, and encouraged.
With Blessings,
Bro. Riley