Spiritually Correct

Posted By on March 23, 2024

Spiritually Correct

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6, NKJV

Politics and Christianity rarely agree on anything these days. The term “political correctness” has become a well-known phrase to describe actions that are taken to keep from offending someone. Here is the official definition of political correctness.

“Political correctness (politically correct, commonly abbreviated to PC) is a term primarily used in a derogatory way to describe language, policies, or measures which are intended NOT to offend or disadvantage any particular group of people in society”; those who use the term are generally implying that these policies are excessive.

I’m not for offending someone just because the First Amendment gives us the right to free speech. As a preacher, I have gone to great lengths to avoid offending anyone while at the same time preaching the truth concerning God’s Word. Sometimes the truth does offend and hearing the truth can often change us for the good.

However, when political correctness begins to take away the fundamental rights and founding beliefs of an entire nation, then we have gone too far in an attempt to be politically correct. Here are some recent examples:

The cross is offensive to some so it has become politically incorrect to display a cross. Christmas is offensive to some so it has become politically incorrect to display symbols of Christmas. The American Flag is offensive to some so it has become politically correct to allow the desecration of our flag. Prayer is offensive to some so it has become politically correct to ban prayer from some public areas. God is offensive to some so it has become politically correct to ban God wherever possible. Christianity is offensive to some so it has become politically correct to mock Christianity and attempt to silence Christianity. Telling the truth about homosexuality and same-sex marriage is offensive to some so it has become politically correct to agree with, approve of, and protect these actions and even celebrate these actions. I could go on with more examples but I think you see the truth here.

I’m not sure when or how we became so fearful of offending someone. I never remember the principle of Corsicana High School refraining from whipping me because he was afraid it would offend me or my parents. I had it coming and that’s just the way it was. Act stupid and you got to meet the stupid stick.

The truth is that to be politically correct might just mean that we are spiritually wrong. There can be little argument about the fact that political correctness often clashes with the Judeo-Christian beliefs and values that this nation was founded upon.

We have many political problems in our nation but our biggest problem is a spiritual problem. If there is a way out of our national mess, it won’t be easy or quick and I doubt if it will be a political fix. I’m convinced that it must be a spiritual revival and our nation will have to turn back to God. I just hope and pray we haven’t gone too far to turn back.

To be politically correct is not the way. To be Spiritually correct is the only way for our nation and Jesus said, “He was the way, the truth, and the life…”. John 14:6, NKJV

With Blessings,

Riley Pippen