“I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me”, Philippians 4:13, NKJV
I remember repeating this verse over and over during my first MRI. More recently as my son hurried me to the ER. Sound silly? Maybe to you. But not to me. I have run this verse over and over in my mind during many trying times.
This is one of the great promises that God gives to us in His Word. A promise that we can lean on during difficult days.
This verse reminds us of the great dependence we must have on Jesus Christ. We must depend on Him, not ourselves, for the strength to get through difficult situations.
This verse reminds us of the unlimited power of Almighty God. “I can do ALL THINGS”. Almighty God can and will help us through anything this world may through at us.
This verse reminds us that we must have a positive attitude and not a negative one. Negativity comes from satan. Positivity comes from the risen Savior.
Be encouraged today in the fact that you CAN. Refuse to live in the land of “I Can’t” any longer.
I Can, You Can, We Can through the help and the power of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Only By Grace,
Riley Pippen